Holy Saviour Parish Glen Waverley North

Address: 765 Highbury Road, Vermont South, VIC 3133 
Phone: 03 9401 6340
Email: glenwaverleynorth@cam.org.au
Events & News

Pentecost Sunday 2019

Inviting all who have been a part of our CET or RCIA programs over the past 40 years to take part in our celebration on
Pentecost Sunday
9th June at 10.00am mass


There are several opportunities during the mass needing volunteers for SMALL jobs, e.g. candle lighting. If you would like to truly be a part of our celebration please put your name down on the list in the café or contact Moira 0423 105 426.


No celebration is complete without food so we ask that you bring something to share after mass.

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The Archdiocese is committed to the safety, wellbeing and dignity of all children and vulnerable adults.