Holy Saviour Parish was established in 1974 - a separation of the then northern section of St Leonard's Parish, Glen Waverley.
Development of the Church and school proceeded on a nine acre block purchased by the Archdiocese in 1960.
The founding Parish Priest, Fr Eric Hodgens, built a vibrant community from the influx of families to the rapidly developing area.
Bounded by Springvale Road, Dandenong Creek, High Street Road and Burwood Highway, the Parish is now home to about 1100 families from a variety of ethnic backgrounds. With an average adult age of 42, the three weekend Masses are well attended with an average weekly attendance of 420.
The sense of community and strong laity involvement established by Fr Eric Hodgens was continued by his immediate successors, Fr John Hannon, Fr Gerry McKernan and Fr Tony Feeney. The current Parish Priest, Fr Julian Langridge continues that sound tradition.
Keen laity involvement is evidenced by some 40 diverse Parish groups under the direction of the Management Committee and Pastoral Council.
The biennial Holy Saviour Festival is a major Parish event strongly supported by the local community.
Holy Saviour Primary School - two stream with 246 students - is affiliated with the nearby co-educational Emmaus Regional College and 50% of our Primary School leavers attend there. Avila Girls' College, Mount Waverley also has a strong Holy Saviour connection.
Parish sporting interests cover football, tennis and netball.
Holy Saviour is a happy, vibrant, welcoming Parish founded on the basis of community involvement and co-operation.