Religious Education Classes for Children attending Government Schools

For the past sixty years, St Mary’s parish has provided Religious Education Classes on a Sunday mornings during the school term (except on weekends of special occasion), for children attending local Government primary schools. Children attend from the junior grades, and go through to Grade six, receiving the Sacraments at the appropriate year level.

The classes are held in St Mary’s School at 9.00am for nearly one hour. There is an annual fee of $40 for one child or $50 for two or more children. Classes conclude on the second weekend of November.

The program is coordinated by Geraldine and with Noreen and Nicole make up the team of teachers. Ellen manages the administration and gives support where needed. The program is supported by our Parish Priest Fr Steven Rigo, our Pastoral Associate Jacinta Bright and St Mary’s School.
  • For more information contact Geraldine Conroy (0438 148 896)