

Nature's Wisdom

breastfeedingBreastfeeding can extend the natural infertility a mother experiences after birth, thereby avoiding pregnancy. Its unfortunate reputation is because it is a freely available form of family planning whose instruction in use has vanished in the progress of time ... a little knowledge is a dangerous thing! Natural Fertility Services, Melbourne, passes on this intergenerational wisdom by giving instruction in two Methods. These do not affect baby or breast milk and support a couple's decision to breastfeed. The NFP experience for breastfeeding is best described as: Simple...Effective...Drug Free for Baby & Mum

1. Lactational Amenorrhoea Method

International experts in breastfeeding and fertility management recommend the Lactational Amenorrhoea Method (LAM) as a natural family planning method. The advantages of this Method are

  • Effectiveness of more than 98%1
  • Easy to use
  • Spontaneity in lovemaking

To be confident with this Method, a couple needs:

  • ACNFP accredited instruction
  • Antenatal preparation (preferably)
  • Qualification on primary LAM criteria
  • Individual assessment on secondary LAM factors
  • On-going support post-partum

2. Breastfeeding Charting Method

It is possible to breastfeed and to regulate fertility naturally. This Method is based on

  • Baby's feeding pattern
  • Cervical mucus
  • Cervical changes
  • Basal body temperature

To be confident with this Method, a couple needs:

  • ACNFP accredited instruction
  • On-going support post-partum

1. Bellagio Consensus Statement at August 1988 Conference supported by the World Health Organisation

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