Our Vision


To be perceived as an Aboriginal
Community recognised for its commitment to
Aboriginal and Torres Strait peoples
having their rightful place in the Church
and the wider Community.

Inspired by the Gospel,
we are committed to the dignity
of each person to open hospitality,
to truth-telling about dispossession and to be a place of connection.

We work for reconciliation
In partnership with those who believe that there can be an alternative to the present order.


  • The relief of poverty, suffering, distress, helplessness and cultural deprivation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
  • To be a network supporting all aspects of educational needs of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
  • To assist and encourage authorities including the Catholic Church authorities in their support for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in the struggle for dignity, justice, equality, self-management, self-determination and other issues affecting them.
  • To educate the wider community, especially the Catholic community, to an understanding of Aboriginal and  Torres Strait Islander peoples, the cultures and the history of Australia.
  • To encourage, assist and develop Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander leadership within the Australian community and also within the Ministry of the Catholic Church; including the provision of spiritual, traditional and pastoral care.
  • To assist Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples to help each other and to cooperate with each other and within the life of the Catholic Church.
  • To promote and celebrate the Catholic identity of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples by assisting in developing a personal commitment to their faith, cultures and lifestyles.
  • To provide a place of belonging and welcome for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples to celebrate their identity and to express their views and concerns to the hierarchy of the Catholic Church.
  • To provide culturally appropriate faith expressions and liturgical celebrations.
  • To provide a place a of healing for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples who have been affected by  the policies of family separation and the distresses of family violence, alcohol and substance abuse.
  • To liaise with other Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisations and Churches.