"Sharing our Gifts" Ecumenical Consultation on Receptive Ecumenism (19-20 August, 2011)

"Sharing the Gift": An Ecumenical Consultation on Receptive Ecumenism
19-20 August 2011
Tracey Centre, Parkville
The Archdiocese's Ecumenical and Interfaith Commission hosted an ecumenical discussion on Receptive Ecumenism at the Tracey Centre, Parkville.
Father Gerald Kelly (Catholic Institute of Sydney) gave the introductory keynote address, An Introduction to Receptive Ecumenism, where the ideas of Paul Murray were raised in which he discusses what and how the various churches learn from each other.
Broad discussions were held on what the churches are giving and receiving from each other and what they could potentially give and receive from each other were held.
Myriam Wiljems (University of Erfurt, Germany - click here for biography) gave the Saturday keynote address talk on Canon Law and Receptive Ecumenism