Promoting Interfaith Relations
Welcoming Each Other
Archbishop Peter A. Comensoli Letter - "Welcoming Each Other"
Professional Development Opportunities
Resources listed in the guidelines

Promoting Interfaith Relations: Appendix I: Links

Welcoming Each Other: Part 3: Magisterial Documents

Magisterial Documents

These are usually referred to by their short Latin title. The website details are given as well as some suggested paragraphs.

A. Vatican II documents

  • Nostra Aetate (1965)

  • Lumen gentium (1964)
    ‘The followers of other religions can be saved’ (§16);
    ‘The missionary character of the Church’ (§17). 

  • Dignitatis humanae (1965)
    ‘Object and foundation of religious liberty’ (§2).

  • Apostolicam actuositatem (1965)
    ‘Cooperation of the laity with followers of other religions’ (§27).

  • Ad gentes (1965)
    ‘Life, witness and dialogue’ (§10);
    ‘Educate the indigenous clergy to dialogue with followers of other religions’ (§16);
    ‘Diversity in unity’ (§22);
    ‘Prepare evangelical workers to dialogue with other religions’ (§34). 
  • Gaudium et spes (1965)
    ‘Christ became one of us and died for everyone’ (§22);
    ‘The Church respects everything that is good’ (§42);
    ‘Respect for those who profess other religions’ (§73);
    ‘Dialogue excludes no one’ (§92). 

B. Papal and Magisterial Documents

C. Documents of the Dicasteries of the Roman Curia

Notes on the correct way to present the Jews and Judaism (1982)

Reflections and Orientations on Dialogue and Mission (1984)

Dialogue and proclamation (1991): ‘The forms of dialogue’ (§§42–43).

Dominus Jesus (2000).


Christian Witness in a Multi-Religious World (2011)

Educating to Intercultural Dialogue (2013).


Dialogue in Truth and Charity (2014).

D. Documents of Catholic Education Melbourne

•            Religious Dimension of the Catholic School, foundation statement of Horizons of hope: an education framework for the Archdiocese of Melbourne.

Welcoming Each Other: Part 4: Curriculum resources for the Study of World Religions



Not all internet sites are trustworthy, accurate or unbiased. Discernment is needed. Some negative indicators are: if the site engages in proselytism or the attempt to ‘convert’; if the site is involved in denunciation and condemnation. In general, it is best to seek advice.

The Ecumenical and Interfaith Commission of the Melbourne Archdiocese recommends the following sites. It is for Catholic Education Melbourne to assess whether they are suitable for teachers’ and students’ needs.

A further note of warning: some sites and publications may present other religions in a false light. Especially and unfortunately, there are many such sites and publications at present, from a variety of backgrounds, that speak negatively about Islam and Muslims.

In general:

  • Columban Interreligious Dialogue: this website is an excellent resource on a wide range of topics in this field.
Australia’s First Peoples

See also









•            BBC – Religions, ‘Judaism’: general survey; archived and no longer updated, but worthwhile.

•            ‘Short Introduction to Judaism!’: one of a series of short videos from the Chicago Police Department on different religions in that city. Clear, simple and straightforward.

•            For reliable and nuanced information on Judaism on a whole variety of topics,

•            The Jewish Museum of Australia offers students the opportunity to meet, speak to and engage in a gentle and direct manner with the Jewish people and the Jewish religion.

•            Judaism for Dummies with its associated website:

•            The family with two front doors, by Anna Ciddor. This reveals a lovely picture of a Jewish family and the life they led in Poland before WW2. This book is pitched at the year 5 or 6 level.


•            BBC – Religions, ‘Islam’: general survey; archived and no longer updated, but worthwhile.

•            Islamic Museum of Australia: their website contains information on events, themes and issues, as well as information on the museum itself.

•            ‘Introducing Islam’: a factual, straightforward, informative and accessible documentary.



•            BBC – Religions, ‘Hinduism’: general survey; archived and no longer updated, but worthwhile.

•            ‘330 million gods’: excellent video, part of the series The long search; the quality is acceptable.



•            BBC – Religions: ‘Buddhism’; general survey; archived and no longer updated, but worthwhile.


•            Access to Insight: readings in Theravada Buddhism.

•            BuddhaNet: worldwide Buddhist information and education network, with audio and texts.

•            Buddhist Society of Western Australia: information about the teachings of Buddhism, retreats etc.

•            Tricycle: a website containing all sorts of themes related to Buddhism in some way. It goes beyond the margins.

•            Eastern Horizon: a series of articles and essays over many years, covering many themes.

•            Shambhala Publications: an important bookshop listing many publications on other religions and themes as well as Buddhism; it also has information on retreats and talks.


Talks and Lectures


•            ‘The five major world religions’: a short, straightforward presentation by John Bellaimey.

•            ‘Vatican II & other religions: a milestone?’: the Catholic community at Stanford presents this lecture by Catherine Cornille. This is one in a series of talks in the course ‘Vatican II: Catholicism meets modernity’, offered Spring 2013.

•            ‘Globalization & Religious Pluralism’: the first in a series of Gifford Lectures by Professor Diana Eck. Recorded in 2009 at The University of Edinburgh.


•            ‘Being religious as being interreligious’: a lecture by Peter C Phan.

•            ‘Interpreting Islam in Modern Context’: Tariq Ramadan is Professor of Contemporary Islamic Studies at the University of Oxford. He contributes to the debate on the issues of Muslims in the West and Islamic revival in the Muslim world. He emphasises the differences between religion and culture, which he believes are too often confused, arguing that citizenship and religion are separate concepts. He claims that there is no conflict between being both a Muslim and a European.

•            ‘A Catholic priest among Muslims: 40 years in dialogue with the followers of Islam’: a lecture by Fr Thomas Michel.

•            ‘Christian Muslim relationships: a response to religious pluralism’: a lecture by Eboo Patel.

•            ‘What is Hinduism? Let me count the ways...’: a lecture by Dr Arvind Sharma.

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